The Dulex Acid Complex in the test

Women all around the world have invested a lot of time and money in skincare products, hoping to find an effective solution for improved skin appearance. However, many are disappointed with the results. Despite the promises and marketing campaigns, they find that skincare creams do not achieve the expected effects. It is frustrating to spend large sums of money on products that ultimately do not deliver the desired results. In this context, it becomes clear that it is important to critically question the effectiveness of skincare products and seek evidence-based scientific knowledge. There is often a lot of potential in skincare, but the corresponding creams and serums must be used correctly.
The Dulex Acid Complex appears to offer a solution in this regard. The active ingredient complex, developed and manufactured in Germany, allows for unlocking the full potential of skincare products. Through the two-step action of the Dulex Acid Complex, the skin barrier is bypassed to deeply deliver the active ingredient and boost skin regeneration.
Testing and Experiences:
In addition to our own tests, we always consult independent testers. During this research, we consistently encountered enthusiastic experiences. Our own tests have yielded similar results.
After just one week, we could observe visible reduction of wrinkles. Specifically, deep wrinkles above the upper lip in the mouth area became visibly softer.
After the second week, further improvements in skin texture were noticeable, and pore size had reduced by 26.7%. Furthermore, test subjects reported a softer skin sensation.
After 4 weeks, the depth of wrinkles had further decreased, and the overall skin structure of the participants appeared firmer and tighter.
Result after 4 weeks: Very good – Hyaluronic acid content in the skin was measured both at the beginning and on a weekly basis. After 4 weeks, there was a 56.9% increase in hyaluronic acid content in the skin.

Product: Dulexir Hyaluronic Acid
Content: 50ml
Shipping: Free
Delivery: 3-5 working days
4,8/5 Stars
We have found that the product has been selling out quickly lately. If you click on the following button, you can check its current availability:
To improve your skin’s appearance, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and achieve a more refreshed look, your skin needs more elasticity. Dulexir with its Dulex acid active ingredient is responsible for providing this elasticity.
As Dulexir Night Cure can promote skin regeneration, you can look much younger and fresher in the face after a certain period of time.
The effect of Dulexir is achieved without any additives, only with plant-based ingredients, making it suitable for vegans.
Here's what you need to watch out for:
Causes of wrinkles:
● Environmental pollution
● Sun exposure
● Unhealthy diet
● Alcohol
● Smoking
● Stress
These causes create stress on the skin by causing an imbalance in metabolism. This imbalance, in turn, promotes skin aging.
The effect of Dulexir – Dulex acid complex
The Dulex Acid Complex is responsible for multiple effects:
● Skin is freed from barriers such as dead skin cells in the first stage
● In the second stage, the skin is nourished with nutrients
● Promotes natural regeneration of skin cells
● Provides a natural, plump skin feeling
● New hyaluronic acid deposits are formed
● Reduces the depth of wrinkles
● Gives the skin a new radiance
Quickly explained!
Are there any known side effects of Dulexir?
No, there are no known side effects. If any irritation occurs on your face, you should discontinue the serum.
Who is the Dulexir Night Treatment suitable for?
As you already know, wrinkles cannot harm your health. Therefore, it is up to you how much you desire to look younger and fresher in your face. If this is the case, the Dulexir Hyaluron is perfect for you.
As Dulexir is purely plant-based, the skin compatibility is very high and therefore suitable for every skin type.
You can use the night treatment for prevention as well as for existing wrinkles and lines on your face.
How should you apply the Dulexir?
The application is only once a day. After cleaning your face in the evening, you can apply the Dulexir either on the affected areas or all over the face. Of course, you should avoid the mouth and eye areas. After the serum has been applied for 15 minutes, you can apply your chosen night cream.
The next morning, the German manufacturer recommends applying a day cream with sun protection after facial cleansing to prevent damage to the skin.
The ingredients of Dulexir
Two plant-based active ingredients ensure that your skin looks beautifully firm and fresh again. These are the Dulex Acid Complex and Phytoaging.
All ingredients:
Aqua, Mandelic Acid, Pentylen Glycol, Panthenol (ProVitamin B5), Hyaluronic Acid (Sodium Hyaluronate), Lactic Acid, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder, Salicylic Acid, Citric Acid, Sodium Phytate.

● The acids in Dulexir remove skin barriers that would otherwise prevent the absorption of its ingredients.
● The hyaluronic acid provides moisture and plumps the skin from within.
The Dulexir Hyaluronic Acid test
We conducted our own test to share our collected experiences with you and ensure that our Dulexir review is not influenced by other people’s experiences. Based on our research, we found some self-tests from other testing portals and customers.
Our test subject was very excited to conduct a Dulexir test because until that point, no anti-aging cream had worked on their wrinkles and lines. They had small forehead and mouth wrinkles that they would like to reduce due to their appearance.
Below are photos of the test subject before using Dulexir:

The duration of the testing process
For the Dulexir test, we set a period of three months. We chose this period specifically because one package of Dulexir should last for about three months. After using one package, we could make sure whether a change in the face occurred.
The manufacturer recommends using the product in the evening, and our test subject followed this advice and applied Dulexir before going to bed.
The application process
The application of Dulexir was carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions. First, our test subject thoroughly cleansed her face. Immediately afterwards, she applied the night treatment not only to the affected areas but to the whole face, avoiding the eye and mouth areas. The serum was easy to distribute on the face due to its slightly liquid consistency and had a pleasant and light almond scent.
After the 15-minute exposure time, the skin sometimes started to tingle slightly. Our test subject did not experience any redness or irritation and tolerated the Dulexir serum very well. The slight tingling sensation can occur in some people and is considered normal by the manufacturer and is part of the two-step effect.
The final phase of the testing process
The first visible results were seen after five weeks. It was clear that the depth of the wrinkles had reduced, and some small lines were no longer as noticeable on the face. This improvement continued from week to week.
After three months, our test subject’s skin looked much smoother and fresher. The desired areas, the forehead and mouth, also improved significantly.
Dulexir tightened the skin, resulting in an overall positive change in appearance. Overall, our test subject now looks much younger in the face.
Below are photos of the test subject after using Dulexir:

Our top rating for Dulexir
The first anti-aging product on the market that creates a change in your face using plant-based ingredients. Dulexir deserves our top rating. Therefore, we give the night treatment 4,8/5 stars .

Additional test reports and experiences
After our Dulexir test, we can understand the numerous positive customer reviews. Most customer experiences relate to the quick effectiveness, high compatibility, and easy and fast application of Dulexir.
Dulexir was also tested by a Skin Test Institute, which rated its effectiveness as „very good.“
The Stiftung Warentest has not yet tested Dulexir with the Dulex Acid Complex. Below are some customer reviews for you to read:
Great product.
The delivery was prompt. I am delighted with the product. To this day, I am very satisfied. I can only recommend the product.
Super lotion
Now, after 3 weeks of use, I can confidently recommend this lotion. It does what it should, and my skin looks much better, smoother, and softer. Top quality. Thank you, G.G.
Dulexir Hyaluron Serum
I am highly satisfied with the product and the resulting outcome! I will definitely recommend it and continue to use it!
Is there a more affordable alternative available?
In comparison, we always look for more affordable or effective alternatives for you so that you can choose the most suitable product. This time, however, we have to say that there is no alternative to Dulexir. Of course, there are numerous anti-aging products on the market, but they are neither comparable in terms of effectiveness nor compatibility. In addition, the Dulex Acid Complex works purely plant-based and not many products have such good ingredients.
Where can you buy Dulexir?
Product details
Formulation: Serum
Contents: 50ml
Brand: Dulexir
PZN: 16819038
Prescription required: No
You can purchase Dulexir at pharmacies or directly from the German manufacturer. Currently, the manufacturer is offering Dulexir at a discounted price. Prices at pharmacies may vary.
You can try Dulexir for 30 days and receive a full refund if you are not satisfied with the product and wish to return it within the specified time.
Dulexir is not available on Amazon, at DM drugstores, at Douglas, or in retail stores.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Is there a discount code available for Dulexir?
Since Dulexir is currently offered at a discounted price during the promotional period, we do not have a Dulexir discount code available for you.
Can you use Dulexir continuously?
Yes, you can use the night serum continuously or take small breaks in between.
When do the first differences with Dulexir occur?
This varies from customer to customer. Positive results can appear after one week or as late as two months.
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