Buying Dulexir? Yes or No? Our test 2023

Dulexir Hyaluron Serum purchase – The deep-acting solution against mouth wrinkles
Mouth wrinkles are a natural part of aging and can characterize the face. However, many people wish for a more youthful appearance and seek effective solutions to get rid of unwanted mouth wrinkles. In this regard, the Dulexir Hyaluron Serum proves to be extremely promising as it works deeply and achieves impressive results.
Customer experiences: Users ready to repurchase Dulexir Hyaluron
The positive experiences of customers speak for themselves. Many have tried the Dulexir Hyaluron Serum and are thrilled with the results. Here are some examples of users who would buy the serum again:
• „I was skeptical, but after only two weeks of use, I could already see a visible reduction in my mouth wrinkles. I am convinced and will definitely repurchase!“ – Anna S.
• „Dulexir Hyaluron exceeded my expectations. My mouth wrinkles are significantly reduced, and my skin feels much smoother. I can only recommend it!“ – Markus G.
• „As a long-time customer, I can confirm that Dulexir Hyaluron really delivers on its promises. It is my go-to product for combating my mouth wrinkles.“ – Lisa M.
Where can you buy Dulexir Hyaluron?
You can conveniently purchase the Dulexir Hyaluron Serum at your local pharmacy or directly through the website of the German manufacturer. On the website, you will find more information about the product and can place your order.
Click HERE to access the manufacturer directly.
The Dulexir night serum is a serum and an alternative to a hyaluronic acid injection, as it provides a plumped skin feeling using only natural ingredients. In addition, the serum boosts the regeneration process of your skin cells, resulting in the creation of new skin cells and fewer wrinkles on your face.
How does the Dulexir night serum work?
When skin regeneration is slowed down, more and more wrinkles are formed. That’s why Dulexir offers a two-step process to boost skin regeneration.
In the first step, the skin is cleared of barriers to allow the serum to penetrate the skin. In the second step, the necessary nutrients from Dulexir can then penetrate the skin. The hyaluronic acid in the night serum ensures that the layers of skin do not collapse, resulting in fewer wrinkles.
Who is the Dulexir night serum for?
The Dulexir night serum is suitable for anyone who:
◉ wants to treat their facial skin using only natural ingredients
◉ wants to moisturize their skin
◉ wants to tighten their skin
◉ wants to reduce the depth of wrinkles
◉ wants to achieve an even skin tone
How is the Dulexir night serum applied?
After cleansing your face in the evening, you can apply the Dulexir night serum. Before using your night cream, let the serum sit for about 10-15 minutes. Cleanse your skin again in the morning to allow the serum to work properly. After cleansing in the morning, the manufacturer recommends using a day cream with sun protection.
Don’t worry if your skin is slightly red or tingles after application. This means that the serum is beginning to stimulate skin regeneration.
The ingredients
Particularly noteworthy and important are:
◉ Mandelic acid
Mandelic acid is particularly suitable for sensitive skin because it penetrates slowly and evenly into the skin, without causing any irritation.
◉ Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is known for its anti-wrinkle effect. It also provides sufficient moisture and gives the skin elasticity.

All ingredients:
Aqua, Mandelic Acid, Pentylen Glycol, Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5), Hyaluronic Acid (Sodium Hyaluronate), Lactic Acid, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder, Salicylic Acid, Citric Acid, Sodium Phytate.
Where can Dulexir be purchased?
Product details
Formulation: Serum
Volume: 50ml
Brand: Dulexir
Manufacturer: Abiotec Pharma
PZN: 16819038
If you want to purchase Dulexir, you can currently buy the Dulexir Night Cure directly from the manufacturer at a reduced price. You can also buy the Night Cure in all local pharmacies and online. Click on the button below to be directed to the sales page of the manufacturer.
The Dulexir Night Cure in the Test
Whether or not you should buy Dulexir will be revealed in our test results. We will examine whether the serum actually improves the skin and whether there are any noticeable changes in the test person’s skin. During our Dulexir test, we will specifically focus on the following aspects:
◉ Does the serum provide enough moisture?
◉ Is the skin texture more even?
◉ Are wrinkles reduced?
◉ Does the appearance look more youthful?
The duration of the test process
After 2 weeks:
After two weeks, we were able to notice the first difference. Since the Dulexir night serum has been tested, the skin has been very soft and looks very fresh. The night serum provides the face with sufficient moisture.
After 6 weeks:
Six weeks have passed and we noticed the first difference in the facial wrinkles. Some of the facial wrinkles were less noticeable, as the depth of the wrinkles was not as pronounced as before the start of the testing phase.
At the end of the 3 months:
Ultimately, the skin appears overall more nourished and younger looking. When comparing the skin texture at the beginning and end of the test phase, the skin appears to be more even.
The application
The Dulexir Night Cure is used every day at the same time, namely after cleansing the face in the evening. In application, the night cure is neither too liquid nor too firm. The Dulexir is easy to apply and feels comfortable on the skin.
The final phase of the test
At the end of the testing period, we can confirm that the Dulexir night serum has lived up to its promise for our test subject. The effectiveness of the Dulexir serum has been confirmed by our test subject.
Should you buy Dulexir?
After our research, we can recommend the serum. We would give the night treatment another chance and buy Dulexir. The product receives 5/5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ from us.

Further Test Reports and Experiences
While there is no Stiftung Warentest report on the Dulexir Night Cure, you can find other test reports in articles from „Focus“ and „Stern“. If you want to see experiences and ratings from other customers, you can find them on the manufacturer’s website. Below are some customer reviews that we have summarized for you:
Keeps its promises!
I’ve been using it for six months now. My skin is firmer and tighter, wrinkles are reduced. One bottle of the serum lasts for about three months. Never without it again!
One can immediately feel and see the effect. Afterwards, it is important to provide sufficient moisture to the skin.
I am thrilled!
After about 4 weeks of use, I have to say that my skin has become much plumper and firmer. At 70 years old, I have some wrinkles that have been noticeably reduced.
Are there any other alternatives?
If we compare the ingredients and effects of the Dulexir Night Cure with other anti-aging products, we cannot recommend any other alternative. Of course, there are many anti-aging products on the market, but many of these products are simply „hocus-pocus.“
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Following are some frequently asked questions for your reference:
The Dulexir Night Cure vegan?
Yes, Dulexir Night Cure is vegan.
What does the Happiness Guarantee mean?
This means that you can test the Dulexir Night Cure for 30 days. If the serum does not work for you, you will receive a full refund.
How does the Dulexir Night Serum smell?
The serum has a slight almond scent.
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